The Puerto Rico Department of Housing, San Juan, Puerto Rico, Did Not Effectively Administer Its Section 8 Housing Program
Marzo 29, 2007
Cheyenne Housing Authority in Cheyenne, Wyoming, Improperly Awarded Its Administration and Management Contract
HUD-OIG reviewed the Cheyenne Housing Authority's (Authority) administration and management contract with Housing Operations and Management, Incorporated (contractor), to determine whether the Authority awarded the contract in accordance with federal procurement requirements.
The Authority did not follow federal procurement requirements and its own procurement policy when it awarded its administration and management contract to the contractor....
Marzo 04, 2007
The Lusk Housing Authority in Lusk, Wyoming, Improperly Awarded Its Administration and Management Contract
Febrero 26, 2007
The Buffalo Housing Authority in Buffalo, Wyoming, Improperly Awarded Its Administration and Management Contract
Febrero 26, 2007