Transmittal of Independent Public Accountant's Audit Report on the Federal Housing Administration's Fiscal Years 2022 and 2021 Financial Statements
Develop and implement procedures to review the reasonableness of the amounts included in the Missing Documents Report before recording the reclassification entry. Include steps to be followed if the amounts in the report do not appear reasonable.
Open Recommendation
Transmittal of Independent Public Accountant's Audit Report on the Federal Housing Administration's Fiscal Years 2022 and 2021 Financial Statements
Coordinate with the NSC to take all the actions necessary required by HUD Handbook 4000.1 to ensure that FHA’s interests are protected with respect to the partial claims for which FHA has not received the original promissory note and recorded mortgage.
Open Recommendation
Transmittal of Independent Public Accountant's Audit Report on the Federal Housing Administration's Fiscal Years 2022 and 2021 Financial Statements
Coordinate with the NSC to conduct a detailed review of the HECM assigned notes portfolio to identify and record all default events that have occurred to date and initiate collection proceedings in accordance with the applicable HUD Handbooks.
Open Recommendation
Transmittal of Independent Public Accountant's Audit Report on the Federal Housing Administration's Fiscal Years 2022 and 2021 Financial Statements
Coordinate with the NSC and the OCPO to determine whether the information technology system could be enhanced to track the annual payment of state property taxes for the HECM portfolio.
Open Recommendation
Transmittal of Independent Public Accountant's Audit Report on the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's Fiscal Years 2022 and 2021 Financial Statements
Develop and issue a departmental grant accrual validation policy or update the existing grant accrual policy to include the validation process. The policy should include 1) specific control activities over the grant accrual validation and outline all of the specific roles and responsibilities; 2) Read More
Open Recommendation
Transmittal of Independent Public Accountant's Audit Report on the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's Fiscal Years 2022 and 2021 Financial Statements
Develop and document internal procedures to ensure the OCFO’s responsibilities specified within the new or updated grant accrual validation policy are addressed.
Open Recommendation
Transmittal of Independent Public Accountant's Audit Report on the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's Fiscal Years 2022 and 2021 Financial Statements
Develop and implement procedures to ensure that planning for the CPD grant accrual validation is done early in the accounting cycle to allow for:
• Sufficient resources to be available to perform the validation of the prior year grant accrual.
• Validation efforts to start earlier to allow for Read More
Open Recommendation
Transmittal of Independent Public Accountant's Audit Report on the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's Fiscal Years 2022 and 2021 Financial Statements
Revise CPD Validation Review Instructions to specify documentation requirements similar to those provided to the grantee and specify verification of dates for when the costs were incurred.
Open Recommendation
Transmittal of Independent Public Accountant's Audit Report on the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's Fiscal Years 2022 and 2021 Financial Statements
Develop and document internal procedures to ensure that they will address the Program Office’s responsibilities within the departmental grant accrual validation policy.
Open Recommendation
Transmittal of Independent Public Accountant's Audit Report on the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's Fiscal Years 2022 and 2021 Financial Statements
Re-evaluate and adequately document justification for the establishment of the percentages and other key assumptions used to determine the accrual amount for each program in CPD’s accrued grant liabilities estimate.
Open Recommendation
Transmittal of Independent Public Accountant's Audit Report on the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's Fiscal Years 2022 and 2021 Financial Statements
As part of the validation process for CPD’s accrued grant liabilities, review CPD’s accrued grant liabilities estimation methodology to ensure that it is based on verifiable grantee supporting documentation and all assumptions and variables used for the grant accrual estimate were properly Read More
Open Recommendation
Transmittal of Independent Public Accountant's Audit Report on the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's Fiscal Years 2022 and 2021 Financial Statements
Establish a formal policy addressing HUD’s federal awarding agency responsibilities under 2 CFR § 200.513(c). The policy should identify those involved in the process and their roles in addressing this single audit oversight function. The policy should also address how it will be carried out and Read More
Open Recommendation
Travelers Aid Society of Metropolitan Detroit, Detroit, MI, Did Not Always Administer Its Continuum of Care Program in Accordance With Federal Regulations
Support that it met its $526,170 matching contribution requirement associated with the more than $2.1 million in program funds it drew down for supportive services and administrative expenses. If Travelers Aid cannot provide sufficient support, it should reimburse HUD $1,776,381 from non-Federal Read More
Open Recommendation
Travelers Aid Society of Metropolitan Detroit, Detroit, MI, Did Not Always Administer Its Continuum of Care Program in Accordance With Federal Regulations
Support or reimburse HUD from non-Federal funds for the $305,936 in program administrative funds for which it did not provide sufficient documentation to support that the funds were used for eligible administrative expenses associated with the project for which the funds were drawn.
Open Recommendation
Travelers Aid Society of Metropolitan Detroit, Detroit, MI, Did Not Always Administer Its Continuum of Care Program in Accordance With Federal Regulations
Support or reimburse HUD from non-Federal funds for the $170,995 in program income for which it did not provide sufficient documentation to support that the funds were used for the project that generated the income ($147,534) and for eligible activities ($23,461).
Open Recommendation
Travelers Aid Society of Metropolitan Detroit, Detroit, MI, Did Not Always Administer Its Continuum of Care Program in Accordance With Federal Regulations
Support or reimburse HUD from non-Federal funds for the $54,770 in program funds for which it did not provide sufficient documentation to support that the funds were used for eligible project expenses for supportive services ($26,036) and leasing ($28,734).
Open Recommendation
Travelers Aid Society of Metropolitan Detroit, Detroit, MI, Did Not Always Administer Its Continuum of Care Program in Accordance With Federal Regulations
Reimburse HUD from non-Federal funds for the $1,165 in program funds used for improper supportive service expenses.
Open Recommendation
Travelers Aid Society of Metropolitan Detroit, Detroit, MI, Did Not Always Administer Its Continuum of Care Program in Accordance With Federal Regulations
Implement adequate procedures and controls to ensure that it maintains sufficient documentation to support that matching contributions, program funds, and program income are accounted for and used in accordance with Federal regulations and it uses program funds for the projects in accordance with Read More
Open Recommendation
Travelers Aid Society of Metropolitan Detroit, Detroit, MI, Did Not Always Administer Its Continuum of Care Program in Accordance With Federal Regulations
Provide technical assistance to Travelers Aid to ensure that its staff is adequately trained on how to account for and use matching contributions, program funds, and program income in accordance with Federal regulations.
Open Recommendation
The Truth or Consequences Housing Authority's Financial Controls Were Not Adequate To Ensure That It Used Its Low-Rent Funds Appropriately
Discontinue using its low-rent public housing fund as a general fund to pay costs associated with its business activities until it has established appropriate controls.
Open Recommendation