HUD's Office of the Chief Financial Officer Did Not Comply With the Digital Accountability and Transparency Act of 2014
Validate, certify, and submit all reportable FHA and Ginnie Mae data through the DATA Act broker and report the data on, including files A through F.
Open Recommendation
HUD's Office of the Chief Financial Officer Did Not Comply With the Digital Accountability and Transparency Act of 2014
Complete data quality and error resolution for HUD’s loan programs to ensure inclusion in HUD’s subsequent submissions.
Open Recommendation
HUD's Office of the Chief Financial Officer Did Not Comply With the Digital Accountability and Transparency Act of 2014
Allocate the financial resources to ensure that reconciliations are performed in the consolidation of source system data to the DATA Act submission files.
Open Recommendation
HUD's Office of the Chief Financial Officer Did Not Comply With the Digital Accountability and Transparency Act of 2014
Establish and implement internal control policies and procedures for consolidating and reconciling data from HUD, Ginnie Mae, and FHA source systems are documented and include a governance structure, including roles, responsibilities, and personnel completing DATA Act reporting procedures.
Open Recommendation
HUD's Office of the Chief Financial Officer Did Not Locate or Recover Its Funds Held by State Unclaimed Property Administrators
Designate an unclaimed asset recovery official as required by the Treasury Financial Manual.
Open Recommendation
HUD's Office of the Chief Financial Officer Did Not Locate or Recover Its Funds Held by State Unclaimed Property Administrators
Work with Treasury to identify and obtain reimbursement for FHA’s and Ginnie Mae’s portion of the $1.9 million in HUD funds that Treasury collected.
Open Recommendation
HUD's Office of the Chief Financial Officer Did Not Locate or Recover Its Funds Held by State Unclaimed Property Administrators
Establish and implement policies and procedures to ensure that all of its unclaimed funds are claimed and the money is appropriately routed to put $2.2 million to better use. At a minimum, these policies and procedures should address what constitutes FHA and Ginnie Mae funds, ensure that these Read More
Open Recommendation
HUD's Office of the Chief Financial Officer Generally Complied With the Digital Accountability and Transparency Act of 2014 With a Few Exceptions
Implement adequate procedures and controls to ensure that all required data are complete, accurate, and reported in a timely manner. These procedures and controls should include but not be limited to ensuring that all transactions are recorded and reported within the proper period and listing the Read More
Open Recommendation
HUD's Office of the Chief Financial Officer Generally Complied With the Digital Accountability and Transparency Act of 2014 With a Few Exceptions
Implement adequate procedures and controls to ensure that all data elements are traceable to the source documentation.
Open Recommendation
HUD's Office of the Chief Financial Officer Generally Complied With the Digital Accountability and Transparency Act of 2014 With a Few Exceptions
Revise internal DATA Act policy and procedure documents to resolve inconsistencies to ensure full, appropriate, and consistent implementation of the DATA Act.
Open Recommendation
HUD's Office of Community Planning and Development Did Not Always Pursue Remedial Actions but Generally Implemented Sufficient Controls for Administering Its Neighborhood Stabilization Program
Provide support showing that it took proper remedial action regarding five NSP3 grantees that missed the expenditure deadline, thereby putting $3,379,269 to better use.
Open Recommendation
HUD's Office of Community Planning and Development Did Not Always Pursue Remedial Actions but Generally Implemented Sufficient Controls for Administering Its Neighborhood Stabilization Program
Work with 134 grantees (29 NSP1 and 105 NSP3) that reported missing expenditure deadlines in DRGR to ensure that expenditure information submitted is accurate and up to date.
Open Recommendation
HUD's Office of Community Planning and Development Did Not Appropriately Assess State CDBG Grantees' Risk to the Integrity of CPD Programs or Adequately Monitor Its Grantees
We recommend that the General Deputy Assistant Secretary for Community Planning and Development develop and implement a quality review process at the headquarters level to ensure consistent compliance with its policy for risk analysis, to include but not be limited to reviewing supporting Read More
Open Recommendation
HUD's Office of Community Planning and Development Did Not Appropriately Assess State CDBG Grantees' Risk to the Integrity of CPD Programs or Adequately Monitor Its Grantees
We recommend that the General Deputy Assistant Secretary for Community Planning and Development, develop and implement a policy requiring field offices to rate grantees of at least medium risk that have not been monitored in their respective program area within the last 3 years on factors that Read More
Open Recommendation
HUD's Office of Community Planning and Development Did Not Appropriately Assess State CDBG Grantees' Risk to the Integrity of CPD Programs or Adequately Monitor Its Grantees
We recommend that the General Deputy Assistant Secretary for Community Planning and Development, develop and implement guidance for field offices to maintain supporting documentation in their official files with an adequate explanation of procedures performed to verify risk scores assigned, which Read More
Open Recommendation
HUD's Office of Community Planning and Development Did Not Appropriately Assess State CDBG Grantees' Risk to the Integrity of CPD Programs or Adequately Monitor Its Grantees
We recommend that the General Deputy Assistant Secretary for Community Planning and Development, develop and implement a quality control review process at the headquarters level to ensure compliance with monitoring requirements for reports and exhibits, to include but not be limited to explaining Read More
Open Recommendation
HUD's Office of Community Planning and Development Did Not Appropriately Assess State CDBG Grantees' Risk to the Integrity of CPD Programs or Adequately Monitor Its Grantees
We recommend that the General Deputy Assistant Secretary for Community Planning and Development, require field offices to upload referenced supporting documentation into CPD’s system for findings and concerns developed during the monitoring review.
Open Recommendation
HUD's Office of Community Planning and Development Did Not Appropriately Assess State CDBG Grantees' Risk to the Integrity of CPD Programs or Adequately Monitor Its Grantees
We recommend that the General Deputy Assistant Secretary for Community Planning and Development, update exhibits to require staff to document procedures performed, provide sufficient explanation to verify procedures performed and conclusions drawn, and reference appropriate supporting Read More
Open Recommendation
HUD's Office of Healthcare Programs Generally Approved Section 232 FHA-Insured Loans in Accordance With HUD Requirements
Develop and implement controls and procedures to ensure that HUD’s underwriters properly evaluate the creditworthiness of management agents when underwriting future loans.
Open Recommendation
HUD's Office of Multifamily Asset Management and Portfolio Oversight Did Not Comply With Its Requirements For Monitoring Management Agents' Costs
Comply with its Management Agent Handbook requirements that stipulate HUD must perform management reviews of the management agent’s central office activities as well as regular onsite reviews of functions carried out at the projects. These central office reviews should be performed at least once Read More
Open Recommendation