Management Alert: HUD Did Not Provide Acceptable Oversight of the Physical Condition of Residential Care Facilities
Reimplement the REAC physical condition inspections for the SNFs that were exempted from routine physical inspections by 24 CFR 200.855.
Open Recommendation
Management Alert: HUD Did Not Provide Acceptable Oversight of the Physical Condition of Residential Care Facilities
Develop and implement an inspection process for the Section 232 program that better reflects those properties’ physical conditions and how those properties differ from other properties REAC inspects (for example, multifamily properties).
Open Recommendation
Management Alert: HUD Did Not Provide Acceptable Oversight of the Physical Condition of Residential Care Facilities
Ensure that all areas of the properties are inspected, including the roofs and all buildings located on the property that is insured by HUD.
Open Recommendation
The Management of the Housing Authority of the City of Nixon, Nixon, TX, Did Not Exercise Adequate Oversight and Allowed Ineligible and Unsupported Costs
Require the Authority to support or repay its various program accounts $109,861 from nonfederal funds for unsupported payroll, other compensation, bonuses, travel, supplies, contractor payments and petty cash disbursements.
Open Recommendation
The Management of the Housing Authority of the City of Taylor, Taylor, TX, Did Not Exercise Adequate Oversight of Its Programs
Require the Authority to take action to reclaim its properties valued at $2,032,266 to improve its financial position, decrease its reliance on HUD program funding, and address its comingling issues.
Open Recommendation
The Management of the Housing Authority of the City of Taylor, Taylor, TX, Did Not Exercise Adequate Oversight of Its Programs
Require the Authority to determine how much of the $243,442 in salaries for individuals assigned to work at multiple properties was improperly paid with Federal funds and repay the amounts to the appropriate programs from non-Federal funds. If the Authority is unable to accurately determine the Read More
Open Recommendation
The Management of the Housing Authority of the City of Taylor, Taylor, TX, Did Not Exercise Adequate Oversight of Its Programs
Require the Authority to determine whether the Authority improperly used Federal funds totaling $40,600 to make lease payments on the parking lot it already owned. If Federal funds were improperly used, the Authority should repay $40,600 from non-Federal funds to its Federal program accounts. If Read More
Open Recommendation
The Management of the Housing Authority of the City of Taylor, Taylor, TX, Did Not Exercise Adequate Oversight of Its Programs
Require the Authority to determine whether the Authority improperly used Federal funds totaling $11,833 which were used to cancel an existing phone system and purchase a new one. If Federal funds were improperly used, the Authority should repay $11,833 to its Federal program accounts from non- Read More
Open Recommendation
The Management of the Housing Authority of the City of Taylor, Taylor, TX, Did Not Exercise Adequate Oversight of Its Programs
Require the Authority to determine whether the Authority improperly used Federal funds totaling $50,000 which were used to pay unnecessary severance contract costs. If Federal funds were improperly used, the Authority should repay $50,000 to its Federal program accounts from non-Federal funds. Read More
Open Recommendation
MB Financial Bank, Rosemont, IL, Did Not Always Follow HUD's Underwriting Requirements but Generally Complied With Quality Control Requirements
We recommend that the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Single Family Housing require MB Financial to indemnify HUD against potential losses of $178,811 for the four loans that did not comply with underwriting requirements (appendix C). HUD provided us copies of the four executed indemnification Read More
Open Recommendation
MB Financial Bank, Rosemont, IL, Did Not Always Follow HUD's Underwriting Requirements but Generally Complied With Quality Control Requirements
We recommend that the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Single Family Housing require MB Financial to provide training to its underwriters on HUD’s underwriting requirements for approving and rejecting loans.
Open Recommendation
MB Financial Bank, Rosemont, IL, Did Not Always Follow HUD's Underwriting Requirements but Generally Complied With Quality Control Requirements
We recommend that the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Single Family Housing require MB Financial to update its policies and procedures to ensure that its staff understands underwriting requirements and the requirement that loans be manually underwritten when a refer decision is received from Read More
Open Recommendation
MB Financial Bank, Rosemont, IL, Did Not Always Follow HUD's Underwriting Requirements but Generally Complied With Quality Control Requirements
We recommend that the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Single Family Housing require MB Financial to update its quality control plan to include the specific procedures to be used when reviewing rejected loan applications.
Open Recommendation
Meeker Housing Authority, Meeker, CO, Improperly Used Project Operating Funds for Its 221(d)(3) Multifamily Housing Insurance Program
Put all project bank accounts in the name of the project.
Open Recommendation
Meeker Housing Authority, Meeker, CO, Improperly Used Project Operating Funds for Its 221(d)(3) Multifamily Housing Insurance Program
Separate all owner bank accounts from the project’s bank accounts.
Open Recommendation
Meeker Housing Authority, Meeker, CO, Improperly Used Project Operating Funds for Its 221(d)(3) Multifamily Housing Insurance Program
Develop and implement controls over the distinction between project funds and owner funds. These controls should include policies related to when the owner is allowed to take project funds owed to the owner.
Open Recommendation
Meeker Housing Authority, Meeker, CO, Improperly Used Project Operating Funds for Its 221(d)(3) Multifamily Housing Insurance Program
Take HUD-approved training related to operating and maintaining a multifamily project.
Open Recommendation
Meeker Housing Authority, Meeker, CO, Improperly Used Project Operating Funds for Its 221(d)(3) Multifamily Housing Insurance Program
Repay the project’s operating account from nonproject funds for the $142,805 spent on ineligible expenses.
Open Recommendation
Meeker Housing Authority, Meeker, CO, Improperly Used Project Operating Funds for Its 221(d)(3) Multifamily Housing Insurance Program
Provide support for the $12,355 in project funds spent to pay individuals who were not on the payroll and for services provided for project operations. For any portion of this amount that is not supported, the owner should repay the project operating account using nonproject funds.
Open Recommendation
Meeker Housing Authority, Meeker, CO, Improperly Used Project Operating Funds for Its 221(d)(3) Multifamily Housing Insurance Program
Obtain training on the eligible use of project funds.
Open Recommendation