After More Than 6 Years, The City of New Orleans' National Disaster Resilience Project Activities Had Made Little Impact on Resilience, New Orleans, LA
We recommend that HUD require the City to develop a plan for how the City will continue to fulfill the required monitoring and oversight responsibilities of the National Disaster Resilience programs and projects if it runs out of planning and administration funds before it completes these programs Read More
Open Recommendation
After More Than 6 Years, The City of New Orleans' National Disaster Resilience Project Activities Had Made Little Impact on Resilience, New Orleans, LA
We recommend that HUD require the City to provide monitoring reports and supporting documentation to show that it conducted periodic monitoring of NORA’ s performance and compliance with program rules and regulations and ensured that NORA promptly remedies any findings or concerns. This includes, Read More
Open Recommendation
After More Than 6 Years, The City of New Orleans' National Disaster Resilience Project Activities Had Made Little Impact on Resilience, New Orleans, LA
We recommend that HUD require the City to develop and implement a methodology for NORA to conduct periodic evaluations at appropriate points during the construction process to assess the quality of the work on all new properties and correct any issues identified.
Open Recommendation
After More Than 6 Years, The City of New Orleans' National Disaster Resilience Project Activities Had Made Little Impact on Resilience, New Orleans, LA
We recommend that HUD require the City to develop and implement a plan for how to review the condition of the property updates and determine where repairs are needed.
Open Recommendation
After More Than 6 Years, The City of New Orleans' National Disaster Resilience Project Activities Had Made Little Impact on Resilience, New Orleans, LA
We recommend that HUD require the City to analyze the effectiveness of the Retrofit program and identify what improvements are needed to better benefit program participants and lessen their burden, to include obtaining input from program participants, and implement those improvements.
Open Recommendation
After More Than 6 Years, The City of New Orleans' National Disaster Resilience Project Activities Had Made Little Impact on Resilience, New Orleans, LA
We recommend that HUD require the City to support or repay, from nonfederal funds, $5,078 in the square footage overcharge for work not completed, according to the project design and invoice documentation.
Open Recommendation
After More Than 6 Years, The City of New Orleans' National Disaster Resilience Project Activities Had Made Little Impact on Resilience, New Orleans, LA
We recommend that HUD require the City to provide supporting documentation for the 4 program participants that did not have adequate income documentation. If the supporting documentation cannot be provided, repay, from nonfederal funds, $99,347.
Open Recommendation
After More Than 6 Years, The City of New Orleans' National Disaster Resilience Project Activities Had Made Little Impact on Resilience, New Orleans, LA
We recommend that HUD require the City to since the property updates have been completed for the 24 program participants that did not receive the green infrastructure training, provide documentation that any subsequent program participants completed the green infrastructure training workshop Read More
Open Recommendation
Financial Information Collected From CDBG Grantees Needs Improvement
Develop comprehensive guidance and training for grantees on how to prepare the PR 29 report to ensure that the information collected is reliable, accurate, timely, and in compliance with the Uniform Administrative Guidance for Grants and Cooperative Agreements, specifically 2 CFR 200.302(a)(b) and Read More
Open Recommendation
Financial Information Collected From CDBG Grantees Needs Improvement
Follow up with the four grantees without adequate supporting documentation and assess their compliance with the financial management requirements in 2 CFR 200.302(b)(3), which require the financial management system of each non-Federal entity to provide for records that adequately identify the Read More
Open Recommendation
Financial Information Collected From CDBG Grantees Needs Improvement
Update the CPD Monitoring Handbook to incorporate the review of the PR 29 report when performing financial monitoring reviews.
Open Recommendation
Financial Information Collected From CDBG Grantees Needs Improvement
Develop written procedures on how to review PR 29 report submissions and monitor resubmissions, late submissions, and nonsubmissions.
Open Recommendation
Financial Information Collected From CDBG Grantees Needs Improvement
Determine how often grantees’ requests for reimbursement contain cost outside the quarter and in coordination with OCFO, evaluate CPD’s grant accrual methodology and assumptions to ensure that it adequately considers the impact of these late cost reimbursements.
Open Recommendation
Financial Information Collected From CDBG Grantees Needs Improvement
Develop guidance that encourages grantees to draw down funds for reimbursement on a regular schedule, not less than quarterly.
Open Recommendation
Financial Information Collected From CDBG Grantees Needs Improvement
Work with OCFO to ensure that CPD collects and reports to OCFO all of the information needed to properly account for all CPD activities in HUD’s financial statements in accordance with Federal financial reporting requirements and accounting standards.
Open Recommendation
Financial Information Collected From CDBG Grantees Needs Improvement
Update Line 4 - Cash (grant funds) disbursed during the reporting period in the PR 29 report to allow grantees to report all CDBG grant funds disbursed, including funds that have not yet been drawn down from HUD for reimbursement.
Open Recommendation
Financial Information Collected From CDBG Grantees Needs Improvement
Obtain the required approvals under PRA for the PR 29 report.
Open Recommendation
Financial Information Collected From CDBG Grantees Needs Improvement
Determine whether the funds that were drawn in error need to be repaid to HUD and whether other remediation actions are appropriate.
Open Recommendation
HUD Charge Card Programs Risk Assessments
Develop a standard operating procedure for the monthly transaction review that aligns with the HUD policy and includes specific procedures on how to (1) identify and review common transactions that raise the level of risk in the program (for example, personal use purchases, other prohibited Read More
Open Recommendation
HUD Charge Card Programs Risk Assessments
Develop and fully implement a departmentwide policy for the monthly transaction review process that requires program office participation and timely completion of the review and certification.
Open Recommendation