The Office of Native American Programs Did Not Satisfactorily Complete the Agreed-Upon Corrective Actions for Three of the Four Recommendations From Prior OIG Audit Report 2014-LA-0006
As part of reopened recommendation 1B, correct the deficiencies within applicable PTD reports, including missing or inaccurate records for the 10 grants identified in this CAV.
Open Recommendation
Office of Policy Development and Research, Washington, DC, HUD Met 11 of 13 Responsibilities Stated in the Geospatial Data Act of 2018 for Fiscal Year 2022
Ensure there are resources available for further development of geocoding services that fulfill HUD’s responsibilities stated in 43 U.S.C. § 2808(a)(5) and 43 U.S.C. § 2808(a)(12) through the reactivation of the lapsed Geocode Service Center contract.
Open Recommendation
The Office of Residential Care Facilities' Use of Real Estate Assessment Center Scores
Identify and implement a method to ensure that eligible RCFs receive database adjustments when appropriate under local code
Open Recommendation
The Office of Residential Care Facilities' Use of Real Estate Assessment Center Scores
Identify and implement a method to ensure that HUD does not instruct facilities to negate safety features
Open Recommendation
The Office of Residential Care Facilities' Use of Real Estate Assessment Center Scores
Identify and implement a method that ensures the expeditious followup inspection of RCFs
Open Recommendation
Operating Fund Calculations Were Not Always Adequately Verified
We recommend that the Director of the Public Housing Financial Management Division determine whether any of the overpayment of $3,630,286 was ineligible and take appropriate actions to recoup the ineligible payments.
Open Recommendation
Operating Fund Calculations Were Not Always Adequately Verified
We recommend that the Director of the Public Housing Financial Management Division validate the $1,191,767 in underpayments and determine if any corrections should be made.
Open Recommendation
Operating Fund Calculations Were Not Always Adequately Verified
We recommend that the Director of the Public Housing Financial Management Division recapture the overpayment of $116,218 disbursed for the units, which exceeded the PHAs’ Faircloth limit.
Open Recommendation
Opportunities Exist to Enhance Oversight of the Foster Youth to Independence Initiative to Improve Program Effectiveness
Develop and implement a plan to assist PHAs in improving voucher utilization, including providing additional guidance to PHAs to improve coordination between PHAs and PCWAs to improve voucher utilization and limit barriers to leasing.
Open Recommendation
Opportunities Exist to Enhance Oversight of the Foster Youth to Independence Initiative to Improve Program Effectiveness
Require PHAs to document that they informed FYI participants at program entry of their eligibility for supportive services and the availability of those services for the duration of the program.
Open Recommendation
Opportunities Exist to Enhance Oversight of the Foster Youth to Independence Initiative to Improve Program Effectiveness
For each youth referred, require PHAs to obtain PCWA certification that the PCWA will provide or secure access to supportive services.
Open Recommendation
Opportunities Exist to Enhance Oversight of the Foster Youth to Independence Initiative to Improve Program Effectiveness
Include FYI in its voucher risk assessment and develop and implement monitoring policies, procedures, and controls.
Open Recommendation
Opportunities Exist to Enhance Oversight of the Foster Youth to Independence Initiative to Improve Program Effectiveness
Establish and implement methods to regularly assess the effectiveness of the program in preventing and ending youth homelessness and improving participants’ self-sufficiency, which could include performance metrics and periodic studies performed by the Office of Policy Development and Research (PD Read More
Open Recommendation
Opportunities Exist for Ginnie Mae To Improve Its Guidance and Process for Troubled Issuers
Update its policy and procedures to define its authority for marketing troubled issuer portfolios and the conditions that must exist to extinguish issuers using rapid relocation.
Corrective Action Taken
As of February 2024, HUD addressed this recommendation in a Management Read More
Open Recommendation
Opportunities Exist for Ginnie Mae To Improve Its Guidance and Process for Troubled Issuers
Update its policy and procedures to define what type of information Ginnie Mae may disclose and how it will handle protected information before extinguishment.
Corrective Action Taken
Ginnie Mae provided the updated SOP to clarify data and information handling through all phases Read More
Open Recommendation
Opportunities Exist for Ginnie Mae To Improve Its Guidance and Process for Troubled Issuers
Update its Policies and procedures to define how Ginnie Mae will determine the portfolio value and price before Sale.
Corrective Action Taken
Ginnie Mae updated its Rapid Relocation Extinguishment SOP to specify the valuation model for rapid relocations will use the same Read More
Open Recommendation
Opportunities Exist for Ginnie Mae To Improve Its Guidance and Process for Troubled Issuers
Update its policies and procedures to define how Ginnie Mae intends to identify and evaluate prospective buyers to ensure its ability to absorb the extinguished portfolio before executing the purchase and sale agreement.
Corrective Action Taken
Ginnie Mae updated its Rapid Read More
Open Recommendation
Opportunities Exist for Ginnie Mae To Improve Its Guidance and Process for Troubled Issuers
Assesses what information Ginnie Mae needs from the MSS to ensure that they have the capacity for a large- or multiple-issuer extinguishment.
Open Recommendation
Opportunities Exist for Ginnie Mae To Improve Its Guidance and Process for Troubled Issuers
Prescribes how the contracting officer representative will review information provided by the MSS and provide actionable feedback to ensure MSS readiness.
Open Recommendation
Opportunities Exist To Improve CPD's Oversight of and Monitoring Tools for Slow-Spending Grantees
Revise its methodology to identify slow spenders, including appropriate baselines and the definition of slow spenders.
Open Recommendation