The Spokane, WA, Housing Authority Did Not Follow Permanent Relocation Requirements for Its RAD Conversion of the Parsons Apartments
Monitor the Authority to ensure that it does not improperly relocate tenants during its planned conversion of the remaining public housing units.
Open Recommendation
The Spokane, WA, Housing Authority Did Not Follow Permanent Relocation Requirements for Its RAD Conversion of the Parsons Apartments
Conduct a compliance review of relocation and pursue corrective action as necessary on behalf of the permanently relocated tenants.
Open Recommendation
St. Tammany Parish, Mandeville LA, Did Not Always Administer Its CDBG Disaster Recovery Grant in Accordance With HUD Requirements or as Certified
We recommend that the Director of HUD’s New Orleans Office of Community Planning and Development require the Parish to develop and implement a HUD approved written plan and checklists; and take actions that will correct and prevent the deficiencies outlined in the finding, improve program Read More
Open Recommendation
St. Tammany Parish, Mandeville LA, Did Not Always Administer Its CDBG Disaster Recovery Grant in Accordance With HUD Requirements or as Certified
We recommend that the Director of HUD’s New Orleans Office of Community Planning and Development require the Parish to support the cost reasonableness or repay its program from non-Federal funds $362,319 paid to its consultant contractor without an independent cost estimate.
Open Recommendation
St. Tammany Parish, Mandeville LA, Did Not Always Administer Its CDBG Disaster Recovery Grant in Accordance With HUD Requirements or as Certified
We recommend that the Director of HUD’s New Orleans Office of Community Planning and Development require the Parish to support the cost reasonableness or repay its program from non-Federal funds $30,702 paid to its construction contractor for cost increases without adequate cost analyses.
Open Recommendation
St. Tammany Parish, Mandeville LA, Did Not Always Administer Its CDBG Disaster Recovery Grant in Accordance With HUD Requirements or as Certified
We recommend that the Director of HUD’s New Orleans Office of Community Planning and Development require the Parish to support the cost reasonableness or repay its program from non-Federal funds $58,873 paid to its surveyor contractor for the sole-sourced contract without an adequate cost analysis Read More
Open Recommendation
St. Tammany Parish, Mandeville LA, Did Not Always Administer Its CDBG Disaster Recovery Grant in Accordance With HUD Requirements or as Certified
We recommend that the Director of HUD’s New Orleans Office of Community Planning and Development require the Parish to
maintain program files with all required documentation for each activity.
Open Recommendation
St. Tammany Parish, Mandeville LA, Did Not Always Administer Its CDBG Disaster Recovery Grant in Accordance With HUD Requirements or as Certified
We recommend that the Director of HUD’s New Orleans Office of Community Planning and Development require the Parish to implement an internal audit function that satisfies program requirements.
Open Recommendation
St. Tammany Parish, Mandeville LA, Did Not Always Administer Its CDBG Disaster Recovery Grant in Accordance With HUD Requirements or as Certified
We recommend that the Director of HUD’s New Orleans Office of Community Planning and Development require the Parish to revise its monitoring policy to include the role of the internal auditor once implemented, and finalize and fully implement or revise its fraud, waste, and abuse detection policy Read More
Open Recommendation
St. Tammany Parish, Mandeville LA, Did Not Always Administer Its CDBG Disaster Recovery Grant in Accordance With HUD Requirements or as Certified
We recommend that the Director of HUD’s New Orleans Office of Community Planning and Development require the Parish to
update its Web site to include current quarterly performance, budget, and progress reports.
Open Recommendation
St. Tammany Parish, Mandeville LA, Did Not Always Administer Its CDBG Disaster Recovery Grant in Accordance With HUD Requirements or as Certified
We recommend that the Director of HUD’s New Orleans Office of Community Planning and Development require the Parish to obtain technical assistance concerning the disaster recovery program requirements, including related Federal Register requirements. Specifically, the technical assistance should Read More
Open Recommendation
Staffing Costs and Charges at Pine Grove Health Center, Pascoag, RI, Did Not Always Comply With Regulatory Requirements and Management Agreements
Obtain repayment of $322,314 from nonproject funds from the management agent for the ineligible bookkeeper and accounts payable clerk’s salary and benefits, incurred during 2014 and 2015.
Open Recommendation
Staffing Costs and Charges at Pine Grove Health Center, Pascoag, RI, Did Not Always Comply With Regulatory Requirements and Management Agreements
Decrease the payable to the management agent by $139,027 for ineligible employee services billed during 2014 and 2015, thereby reducing future expenditures because project funds will not be used for these ineligible expenses when funds become available.
Open Recommendation
Staffing Costs and Charges at Pine Grove Health Center, Pascoag, RI, Did Not Always Comply With Regulatory Requirements and Management Agreements
Support or decrease the payables to its management agent for the amounts related to ineligible employee services charges before January 1, 2014, which we estimated to be $353,420.
Open Recommendation
Staffing Costs and Charges at Pine Grove Health Center, Pascoag, RI, Did Not Always Comply With Regulatory Requirements and Management Agreements
Develop and implement controls over payments to include; ensuring that its management agreement clearly identifies services that are be provided by the management agent and paid for as part of the management fee, and the project is not charged for services that are part of the management fee.
Open Recommendation
The State of Connecticut Did Not Ensure That Its Grantees Properly Administered Their Housing Rehabilitation Programs
Repay from non-Federal funds the $1,190,977 in ineligible costs charged to the program.
Open Recommendation
The State of Connecticut Did Not Ensure That Its Grantees Properly Administered Their Housing Rehabilitation Programs
Repay from non-Federal funds the $434,970 in unreasonable costs charged to the program
Open Recommendation
The State of Connecticut Did Not Ensure That Its Grantees Properly Administered Their Housing Rehabilitation Programs
Support $249,015 in program costs spent on a 2014 grant for which the grantee was unable to provide a tier one environmental review record or repay from non-Federal funds any amount that cannot be supported
Open Recommendation
The State of Connecticut Did Not Ensure That Its Grantees Properly Administered Their Housing Rehabilitation Programs
Support $676,922 for contracts that were improperly procured or repay from non-Federal funds any amount that cannot be supported.
Open Recommendation
The State of Connecticut Did Not Ensure That Its Grantees Properly Administered Their Housing Rehabilitation Programs
Support $422,600 in program income that was not used before additional grant fund drawdowns or repay from non-Federal funds any amount that cannot be supported
Open Recommendation