CPD Did Not Follow the Departmental Clearance Process When It Issued the July 25, 2013, Guidance for Duplication of Benefits Requirements
Develop improved procedures and provide training to appropriate staff regarding the departmental clearance process requirements, including
• Determining which guidance is considered to be a directive, including public communications, and
• Ensuring that HUD program participants have clear, Read More
Open Recommendation
CPD's Risk Assessment and Monitoring Program Did Not Provide Effective Oversight of Federal Funds
We recommend that the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Operations develop and implement policies to require CPD headquarters’ substantive involvement and responsibility in the risk assessment and monitoring function, including (1) oversight of risk assessment, including ensuring that all required Read More
Open Recommendation
CPD's Risk Assessment and Monitoring Program Did Not Provide Effective Oversight of Federal Funds
We recommend that the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Operations establish a monitoring tracking system, organized on a CPD field office basis, to incorporate and track internal and external data and provide an immediate, multiyear quantification of grantees, grants, and dollar value for both Read More
Open Recommendation
The Crisfield Housing Authority, Crisfield, MD, Did Not Properly Administer Its Housing Choice Voucher Program
Provide documentation to support $280,561 (housing assistance and utility allowance payments totaling $237,809 for families that did not meet eligibility requirements and $42,752 in administrative fees) or reimburse its program from non-Federal funds for any amounts it cannot support.
Open Recommendation
The Crisfield Housing Authority, Crisfield, MD, Did Not Properly Administer Its Housing Choice Voucher Program
Reimburse its program $17,101 from non-Federal funds for the overpayment of housing assistance and utility allowances to 14 families.
Open Recommendation
The Crisfield Housing Authority, Crisfield, MD, Did Not Properly Administer Its Housing Choice Voucher Program
Reimburse five households $984 from program funds for the underpayment of housing assistance and utility reimbursements due to incorrect calculations.
Open Recommendation
The Crisfield Housing Authority, Crisfield, MD, Did Not Properly Administer Its Housing Choice Voucher Program
Develop and implement procedures and controls to ensure that housing assistance and utility allowance payments are correctly calculated, including the use of the Enterprise Income Verification system to verify household income, and that they are adequately supported.
Open Recommendation
The Crisfield Housing Authority, Crisfield, MD, Did Not Properly Administer Its Housing Choice Voucher Program
Correct the errors in the files identified in this report.
Open Recommendation
The Crisfield Housing Authority, Crisfield, MD, Did Not Properly Administer Its Housing Choice Voucher Program
Develop and implement procedures and controls to ensure that required eligibility documentation is obtained and maintained to support households’ selection from its waiting list and admission to and continued assistance on the program.
Open Recommendation
The Crisfield Housing Authority, Crisfield, MD, Did Not Properly Administer Its Housing Choice Voucher Program
Develop and implement controls to ensure that employees comply with its computer, internet, and email use policy and use only official business email accounts to transmit confidential information.
Open Recommendation
The Crisfield Housing Authority, Crisfield, MD, Did Not Properly Administer Its Housing Choice Voucher Program
Develop and implement controls to ensure that its Section 8 coordinator is adequately trained and supervised to ensure that the program operates in accordance with requirements.
Open Recommendation
The Crisfield Housing Authority, Crisfield, MD, Did Not Properly Administer Its Housing Choice Voucher Program
Follow its administrative plan to ensure that program requirements are met.
Open Recommendation
The Crisfield Housing Authority, Crisfield, MD, Did Not Properly Administer Its Housing Choice Voucher Program
Provide technical assistance to the Authority to ensure that it properly administers its program and that program regulations are met.
Open Recommendation
The Crisfield Housing Authority, Crisfield, MD, Did Not Properly Administer Its Housing Choice Voucher Program
Evaluate the Authority’s email system and its computer, internet, and email use policy to determine whether they provide sufficient safeguards for transmitting and handling confidential information.
Open Recommendation
The Crisfield Housing Authority, Crisfield, MD, Did Not Properly Administer Its Housing Choice Voucher Program
Reimburse its program $119,023 from non-Federal funds for the ineligible housing assistance payments it made due to the conflict-of-interest situation identified by the audit and any additional ineligible housing assistance payments it made outside our review period.
Open Recommendation
The Crisfield Housing Authority, Crisfield, MD, Did Not Properly Administer Its Housing Choice Voucher Program
Develop and implement controls to prevent and detect conflict-of-interest situations.
Open Recommendation
The Crisfield Housing Authority, Crisfield, MD, Did Not Properly Administer Its Housing Choice Voucher Program
Evaluate the apparent conflict-of-interest situation in this report and pursue administrative sanctions if warranted.
Open Recommendation
The Crisfield Housing Authority, Crisfield, MD, Did Not Properly Administer Its Public Housing Program Operating and Capital Funds
Provide documentation to support the $137,500 paid for security services from operating funds or reimburse its program from non-Federal funds for any costs that it cannot support.
Open Recommendation
The Crisfield Housing Authority, Crisfield, MD, Did Not Properly Administer Its Public Housing Program Operating and Capital Funds
Provide the documentation that was missing from the 14 files reviewed. If documentation cannot be provided, the Authority should follow applicable regulations and terminate or modify assistance as necessary.
Open Recommendation
The Crisfield Housing Authority, Crisfield, MD, Did Not Properly Administer Its Public Housing Program Operating and Capital Funds
Develop and implement controls to ensure that families are properly selected from the waiting list and that their selection is documented in their tenant files.
Open Recommendation