The Offices of Audit and Evaluation supervise and conduct independent and objective audits, evaluations, and other reviews of U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) programs and activities to ensure they operate economically, efficiently, and effectively. This page contains links to our audit and evaluation reports and memoranda.
HUD OIG performed the sixth of the ongoing audits of the Lower Manhattan Development Corporation’s (LMDC’s) administration of the Community Development Block Grant (Block Grant) Disaster Recovery Assistance funds provided to the State of New York following the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City. HUD has allocated $2.783 billion in Disaster Recovery Assistance funds to the LMDC. …
March 31, 2006
January 30, 2006
We audited the Housing Authority of the City of Gary's (Authority) Section 8 housing program. The audit was part of the activities in our fiscal year 2005 annual audit plan. We selected the Authority based upon a risk analysis the identified it as having a high risk Section 8 housing program. The objective of the audit was to determine whether the Authority managed its Section 8 program in accordance with the U.S. Department of Housing…
September 29, 2005
What We Audited and Why
We completed an audit of the Corporación para el Fomento Económico de la Ciudad Capital (Corporation) independent capital fund. The review was initiated in response to a request from the Department of Housing and Urban Development's (HUD) San Juan Office of Community Planning and Development, which was not satisfied with the Corporation's overall performance in administering its independent capital fund. HUD's…
September 15, 2005
July 27, 2005
What We Audited and Why
We audited the Kankakee County Housing Authority's (Authority) Low-Rent Housing program. The audit was conducted in response to a citizen's complaint to our office and was part of our comprehensive audit of the Authority. The objective of our audit was to determine whether the Authority administered its Low-Rent Housing program in an efficient and effective manner. We determined whether the Authority had…
April 08, 2005
We audited the Kankakee County Housing Authority's (Authority) Low-Rent Housing Program. The audit was conducted in response to a citizen's complaint to our office and was part of our comprehensive audit of the Authority. The object of our audit was to determine whether the Authority administered its Low-Rent Housing program in an efficient and effective manner. We determined whether the Authority had adequate procedures and controls…
April 08, 2005
March 22, 2005
We audited American Property Financial (American), a nonsupervised loan correspondent approved to originate Federal Housing Administration mortgage loans under the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's (HUD) Single Family Direct Endorsement Program. American originated 83 Federal Housing Administration loans between February 1, 2002, and January 31, 2004. As of February 23, 2004, 14 of the 83 loans were in default status…
January 27, 2005
What We Audited and Why
We completed an audit of the Royal Oak Township Housing Commission's Public Housing Program. We selected the Housing Commission for audit based on two citizen complaints. The complainants alleged that the Housing Commission's Public Housing units were in poor physical condition, tenants were housed contrary to HUD's requirements, and Public Housing funds wer misspent. The objectives of the audit were to…
November 29, 2004
What We Audited and Why
We audited the Durham Housing Authority's (Authority) financial operations and procurement procedures, because a prior Office of the Inspector General (OIG) audit identified potential deficiencies in these areas.
Our audit objectives were to determine if the Authority's misuse of funds, identified in our prior report, jeopardized its ability to operate its projects in a manner that promotes serviceability,…
November 19, 2004
September 15, 2004
What We Audited and Why
We completed an audit of the operations of the Petersburg Redevelopment and Housing Authority (Authority) in response to a citizen's complaint. The complainant alleged procurement irregularities, accounting problems, and overall mismanagement at the Authority.
Our audit objective was to determine if the Authority properly awarded contracts to its consultants and attorneys and whether it could support that it…
September 08, 2004
Our review identified several conditions regarding the use of HUD funds that were in violation of the ACC. As of September 30, 2003, PRPHA accounting records reflected net account receivables owed to its Low-Income Public Housing Program exceeding $5.97 million. Review of these receivables disclosed that the PRPHA:
Improperly used HUD funds totaling about $1.1 million for activities not related to the administration of its public…
April 22, 2004
March 24, 2004
March 24, 2004
We completed an audit of the Kankakee Count Housing Authority's Section 8 Housing Program. The audit was conducted based upon a citizen's complaint to our Office. The objectives of our audit were to determine where the Authority: (1) administered its Section 8 Program in an efficient and effective manner; and (2) provided decent, safe, and sanitary housing for its Section 8 tenants. This audit is part of our on-going comprehensive…
November 26, 2003
Our review disclosed that the Family Living project has suffered serious financial problems, including a default on the HUD-insured mortgage, and had ceased being a profitable entity. These problems were caused by questionable cash distributions (withdrawals) from the project bank accounts by the Owner. We consider these distributions, totaling $455,439, to be "equity skimming" and to be in violation of applicable Federal statutes…
November 04, 2003
September 30, 2003
September 30, 2003