HUD's Oversight of REAC Inspections
HUD OIG is auditing HUD's Real Estate Assessment Center (REAC) inspection process. REAC's inspection process helps to ensure decent, safe and sanitary affordable public housing .
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HUD OIG is auditing HUD's Real Estate Assessment Center (REAC) inspection process. REAC's inspection process helps to ensure decent, safe and sanitary affordable public housing .
HUD OIG is reviewing HUD's plans to reopen its offices to its employees. This work is in response to a Congressional request. The review objective is to determine whether HUD is following (1) its Resuming Normal Operations Guide, COVID-19 Response, Headquarters and Field Offices; (2) Federal, State, and local government and appropriate non-governmental guidance; and (3) best practices in reopening its offices to employees.
HUD OIG is auditing HUD's Section 8 Management Assessment Program (SEMAP). HUD uses SEMAP to remotely measure the performance of the public housing agencies that administer the program. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, HUD will soon resume issuing new SEMAP scores and the temporary moratorium on SEMAP provides the OIG with a rare opportunity to assess the program as a snapshot in time.
HUD OIG is auditing HUD's oversight of lead based paint remediation. Lead-based paint hazards present a health risk to tenants, particularly children, and the effects of lead poisoning may permanently alter the lives of those exposed. The objective is to determine whether HUD has adequate oversight of lead-based paint remediation in public housing.
HUD OIG is auditing HUD’s Public and Indian Housing Office’s oversight of the Housing Choice Voucher Program, specifically the voucher utilization and reallocation activity. HUD’s Housing Choice Voucher program provides housing subsidies to counteract the lack of affordable housing for families in need. Underutilization of vouchers results in fewer families receiving housing assistance each year than could be served with available resources. The audit objective is to assess HUD’s oversight of the utilization and reallocation of Housing Choice Program Vouchers.
HUD OIG is auditing Puerto Rico's Community Block Grant - Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) program, Home Repair, Reconstruction, or Relocation (R3) program. HUD awarded Puerto Rico over $9 billion dollars in R3 program funding. The review objective is to determine whether the R3 program funds were spent in accordance with Puerto Rico's plan and applicable requirements.
HUD OIG is auditing a Florida grantee’s 2017 Housing Repair and Replacement Program. In 2018, the grantee was awarded more than $733 million to address unmet needs from Hurricane Irma. As of November 25, 2019, the grantee expended more than $14 million for the Housing Repair Replacement program. The audit objective is to determine whether the grantee (1) used funds for eligible homeowners and expenditures, (2) ensured that homeowners did not receive duplication of benefits, and (3) administered the program in a prudent and cost-efficient manner.
HUD OIG is auditing HUD’s oversight and monitoring of Disaster Recovery Grantees deemed slow spenders. The United States Government Accountability Office (March 2019 report titled Disaster Recovery – Better Monitoring of Block Grant Funds is Needed) found that HUD did not have the guidance and monitoring plans it needs to provide adequate grantee oversight of Community Block Develop Grants Disaster Recovery funds for 2017 hurricanes.
HUD OIG is reviewing HUD's corrective actions in response to four specific recommendations made in audit reports 2012-PH-0004, 2013-PH-0002, 2014-PH-0001, and 2015-PH-0004. Our prior audits showed that HUD’s controls did not always ensure that HECM loan borrowers complied with program residency requirements. The audits included a recommendation to prevent and mitigate instances of borrowers violating the principal residency requirements. The objective of our audit is to determine whether HUD's actions to address the recommendations were adequate.
HUD OIG is conducting an audit to assess the Department's assurance of public housing agencies processing of reasonable accommodation requests. Reasonable accommodations are an essential tool to protect the housing rights of tenants with disabilities. The audit objective is to determine whether HUD’s Office of Public and Indian Housing had adequate policies and procedures for ensuring that its public housing agencies properly addressed, assessed, and fulfilled requests for reasonable accommodations, including COVID-19 related requests.