Establish change management and periodic reviews of control activities to ensure regulatory changes, such as Fiscal Service updates to the USSGL, are identified, analyzed, and assessed for potential needed changes to FHA’s established processes.
2023-FO-0003 | November 16, 2022
Audit of FHA’s Fiscal Years 2022 and 2021 Financial Statements
- Status2023-FO-0003-001-AOpenClosed
- Status2023-FO-0003-001-BOpenClosed
Establish and ensure appropriate and effective communication protocols between OFAR, FHA, and HUD’s Office of Budget to ensure (1) funding type is clearly indicated within the SF 132 and clear communications are made in differentiating between definite and indefinite borrowing authority, (2) legislative changes in FHA’s borrowing authority are vetted with OMB to ensure appropriate treatment, and (3) – draft SF-133s are reviewed and vetted with HUD and FHA’s budget officers prior to OFAR’s finalization with Treasury and OMB.
- Status2023-FO-0003-001-COpenClosed
Establish internal control procedures around the borrowings process to include verifying sufficient borrowing authority exists within the SF 132, prior to executing the borrowing request. Such verification should also be included as part of the borrowing review and approval controls.
- Status2023-FO-0003-001-DOpenClosed
Receive a final opinion from HUD’s Office of the Chief Financial Officer’s Appropriation Law Division on whether FHA was in violation of the Antideficiency Act.
- Status2023-FO-0003-001-EOpenClosed
Implement procedures to enhance the review of all journal entries recorded in the general ledger by requiring a two-level review that includes the review of source documents for the journal entry (for example, the OMB approved SF 132).
- Status2023-FO-0003-001-FOpenClosed
Strengthen controls over the preparation of the SF 132 to the SF 133 reconciliation by preparing such reconciliations (1) first, with the unadjusted trial balance and later, with the adjusted trial balance and (2) at the fund level, with detailed documentation of differences, and with sufficient detailed explanations that describe the general ledger impact of the differences.
- Status2023-FO-0003-001-GOpenClosed
Perform a thorough review of the SF 132 to SF 133 reconciliations and work with Financial Analysis and Controls Division and other divisions and groups to resolve material reconciling items timely.
- Status2023-FO-0003-001-HOpenClosed
Coordinate with the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Single Family Housing and HUD’s Office of the Chief Procurement Office (OCPO) in developing effective communication channels between FHA’s NSC and OFAR, and in developing effective monitoring controls to ensure the timely identification and remediation of issues, such as unprocessed documentation and inaccurate records, which may impact the balances reported within FHA’s financial statements.
- Status2023-FO-0003-001-IOpenClosed
Develop effective detective controls to ensure HECM loan receivables are accurate and complete, exist, and FHA appropriately holds or controls the rights to any collateral property in connection with the receivable.
- Status2023-FO-0003-001-JOpenClosed
Develop and implement procedures to review the reasonableness of the amounts included in the Missing Documents Report before recording the reclassification entry. Include steps to be followed if the amounts in the report do not appear reasonable.
- Status2023-FO-0003-001-KOpenClosed
Coordinate with the NSC to take all the actions necessary required by HUD Handbook 4000.1 to ensure that FHA’s interests are protected with respect to the partial claims for which FHA has not received the original promissory note and recorded mortgage.
- Status2023-FO-0003-001-LOpenClosed
Coordinate with the NSC to conduct a detailed review of the HECM assigned notes portfolio to identify and record all default events that have occurred to date and initiate collection proceedings in accordance with the applicable HUD Handbooks.
- Status2023-FO-0003-001-MOpenClosed
Coordinate with the NSC and the OCPO to determine whether the information technology system could be enhanced to track the annual payment of state property taxes for the HECM portfolio.
2021-OE-0008 | November 15, 2022
Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity’s Oversight of Fair Housing Enforcement Agencies
Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity
- Status2021-OE-0008-01OpenClosed
Provide more detailed guidance to HUD reviewers on benchmarks for each performance standard.
- Status2021-OE-0008-02OpenClosed
Update the PAR template to ensure that HUD reviewers include required information.
- Status2021-OE-0008-03OpenClosed
Assess HUD reviewers’ skills and readiness to determine the appropriate frequency of training.
- Status2021-OE-0008-04OpenClosed
Provide more detailed guidance to HUD reviewers and FHEO regional directors on when and under what circumstances to recommend or issue a PIP.
2023-BO-0001 | November 04, 2022
HUD and FHAP Agencies Can Better Document Decisions Not To Investigate Fair Housing Complaints
Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity
- Status2023-BO-0001-001-AOpenClosed
Update HUD Handbook 8024.01, REV-2, and regional intake policies and procedures as necessary to include (1) minimum requirements that all regions follow for documenting in HEMS attempts to reach out to claimants when additional information is needed before closing inquiries; (2) policies and procedures for collecting, recording, and documenting all relevant electronic intake information in HEMS; and (3) clarifying that communications with claimants regarding inquiry closure, requests for additional information, and notices of jurisdiction information clearly inform the claimant of the ability to provide additional information within the statute of limitations.
- Status2023-BO-0001-001-BOpenClosed
Develop a process to oversee housing discrimination allegations that FHAP agencies close and do not submit to HUD for dual-filing to ensure that the closure and jurisdictional determinations are consistent with the Fair Housing Act. To help address this recommendation, HUD should consider requiring FHAP agencies to enter data on closed inquiries in HEMS and make updates to FHAP agreements as necessary.
2023-FO-0001 | October 26, 2022
Improvements are Needed in HUD’s Fraud Risk Management Program
Chief Financial Officer
- Status2023-FO-0001-001-AOpenClosed
Perform a complete agency-wide fraud risk assessment (which incorporates the fraud risk assessments performed at the program level) and use the results to develop and implement an agency-wide plan to move HUD’s fraud risk management program out of the ad hoc phase.