The Offices of Audit and Evaluation supervise and conduct independent and objective audits, evaluations, and other reviews of U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD] programs and activities to ensure they operate economically, efficiently, and effectively. This page contains links to our audit and evaluation reports and memoranda.
HUD Addressed Multifamily Mortgage Application Processing Delays, but Additional Action Is Needed To Manage Future Backlogs
We audited the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Office of Multifamily Housing Programs’ efforts to address multifamily mortgage application processing delays. When applications for these loans are delayed, it slows the production and availability of affordable multifamily housing units. During the COVID-19 pandemic, HUD took action to eliminate a backlog of over 500 applications waiting to be assigned...
Agosto 09, 2024
HUD's Office of Multifamily Housing Monitoring of Civil Rights Compliance
HUD OIG is auditing the Office of Multifamily Housing's monitoring of civil rights compliance. Fair housing and civil rights are critical in making sure all Americans have equal access to the housing of their choice. The audit objective is to assess the extent to which HUD's Office of Multifamily Housing monitored civil rights compliance in their program activities.
Octubre 27, 2023
Work Start Notification
#BO 24 0001
Multifamily Mortgage Application Processing Delays
HUD OIG is auditing the Office of Multifamily Housing Programs, which provides insurance on mortgages for multifamily rental housing properties. Between 2020 and 2022, HUD implemented changes to better manage applications after reporting an increase in volume and processing delays, which peaked with more than 500 applications waiting to be assigned for review. Our audit objective is to assess HUD’s efforts to address the processing...
Abril 01, 2023
Work Start Notification
#NY 23 0009
Carbon-Monoxide in HUD-Assisted Housing
HUD OIG is evaluating carbon monoxide detector installation in HUD-assisted housing. Our objectives are to determine (1) HUD’s plan to ensure all public housing agencies (PHA) and owners of certain HUD-assisted housing comply with the requirements for carbon monoxide detector installation in accordance with the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021 (Act of 2021) and HUD’s progress in implementing its plans; (2) HUD’s progress in...
Julio 07, 2022
Work Start Notification
HUD’s Office of Multifamily Housing Programs Did Not Always Follow Mitigation Requirements for Its FHA-Insured Multifamily Projects
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Office of Inspector General, audited HUD’s Office of Multifamily Housing Programs upon receiving a hotline complaint. The hotline complaint contained allegations that (1) HUD routinely fails to perform Endangered Species Act analysis or consultations; (2) there are many projects that have deficiencies in noise analysis and environmental assessment site factors; (3) the...
Octubre 02, 2020
Tuscan Homes I and II in Hartford, CT, Was Not Always Managed in Accordance With Its Regulatory Agreement and HUD Requirements
We audited Tuscan Homes I and II, a multifamily project located in Hartford, CT, because our risk assessment ranked the project as the highest risk multifamily project in New England. Our audit objective was to determine whether the owner managed the project in accordance with its regulatory agreement and U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requirements; specifically, whether (1) exigent health and safety...
Septiembre 09, 2019
The Management Agent for Lake View Towers Apartments, Chicago, IL, Did Not Always Comply With HUD’s Section 8 HAP Program Requirements
We audited the Lake View Towers Apartments’ Section 8 housing assistance payments program based on our analysis of risk factors related to multifamily projects in Region 5’s jurisdiction and the activities included in our fiscal year 2019 annual audit plan. Our audit objective was to determine whether the management agent administered the project’s program in accordance with the owner’s contract with the U.S. Department of...
Septiembre 03, 2019
Information System Control Weaknesses Identified in the FHA Subsidiary Ledger
We reviewed the general and application controls over the Federal Housing Administration’s subsidiary ledger as part of the internal control assessments required for the fiscal year 2014 financial statement audit under the Chief Financial Officer’s Act of 1990. Our objective was to review the effectiveness of general and application controls over the subsidiary ledger for compliance with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban...
Noviembre 06, 2014