The Offices of Audit and Evaluation supervise and conduct independent and objective audits, evaluations, and other reviews of U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD] programs and activities to ensure they operate economically, efficiently, and effectively. This page contains links to our audit and evaluation reports and memoranda.
FHEO Faces Challenges in Completing Investigations Within 100 Days
We audited the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity’s (FHEO) challenges in completing housing discrimination investigations within 100 days. We initiated the audit due to the number of investigations reported in FHEO’s annual reports to Congress that exceeded 100 days. Our objective was to survey and assess the challenges FHEO faces in completing investigations...
Septiembre 24, 2024
HUD’s Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity is Making Progress in Addressing Civil Rights Compliance Review Challenges
We audited the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD or Department) Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity’s (FHEO) process for conducting civil rights compliance reviews. FHEO’s operational readiness to carry out robust compliance reviews is critical to HUD’s goals to advance equity and support underserved communities. Our objective was to survey and assess challenges FHEO faced in conducting...
Septiembre 13, 2024
HUD Oversight of Lead Grants
We are auditing HUD’s oversight of Lead-Based Paint Hazard Control (LBPHC) and Lead Hazard Reduction Demonstration (LHRD) grant programs. Between fiscal years 2020 to 2024, HUD committed more than $200 million in grant funds as part of addressing lead based in targeted communities. Our objectives are to assess (1) HUD’s evaluation of grantees’ capacity to manage grant funds and (2) HUD’s tracking and monitoring of grants performance...
Agosto 01, 2024
Work Start Notification
#LA 24 0016
HUD Developed and Implemented a Plan To Address Executive Order 13988
We audited the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity’s, implementation of Executive Order 13988, which President Biden issued to prevent and combat discrimination on the basis of gender identity or sexual orientation. We performed this audit to assess HUD’s progress in developing an action plan to implement the executive order. Our audit objective was to...
Junio 05, 2024
Fair Housing Initiatives Program Organizations Promoted Equity in the Education and Outreach Initiative
We audited the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity, Fair Housing Initiatives Program (FHIP), Education and Outreach Initiative (EOI). We conducted this audit to help HUD determine whether the education and outreach provided was going to the people who have been systematically denied full housing opportunity. Our audit objective was to assess how FHIP...
Febrero 16, 2024
The Kentucky Commission on Human Rights Has Opportunities To Improve Its Fair Housing Complaint Intake Process
We audited the Kentucky Commission on Human Rights’ fair housing complaint intake process. We initiated this audit based on an internal risk assessment of Fair Housing Assistance Program agencies’ challenges. Our audit objectives were to (1) determine the extent to which the Commission processed fair housing inquiries within 30 days and (2) evaluate its reasons for closing fair housing inquiries.We were unable to determine...
Febrero 15, 2024
Assessing Equity in the Fair Housing Initiatives Program Education and Outreach Initiative
HUD OIG is auditing the Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity's Fair Housing Initiatives Program Education and Outreach Initiative. The Education and Outreach Initiative received $7.2 million in FY 2021 funding that it provided to State and local government agencies and non-profit organizations for initiatives that educate the public and housing providers about equal opportunity in housing and compliance with the fair housing...
Abril 01, 2023
Work Start Notification
#BO 23 0005
Assessment of Fair Housing Complaint Intake Process at a Fair Housing Assistance Program Agency
HUD OIG is auditing the fair housing complaint intake process of a Fair Housing Assistance Program (FHAP) agency located within HUD's Region IV geographical jurisdiction. FHAP agencies intake housing discrimination complaints and conduct investigations to determine whether the alleged discrimination occurred. Our objective is to (1) determine the extent that the FHAP agency processed fair housing complaints within 30 days, (2) evaluate...
Enero 01, 2023
Work Start Notification
#BO 23 0003
Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity’s Oversight of Fair Housing Enforcement Agencies
We determined that FHEO could provide more guidance related to FHEO’s performance assessment process to improve its oversight of State and local fair housing enforcement agencies participating in FHAP. The FHAP Division has provided guidance that FHEO regional staff responsible for monitoring and overseeing FHAP agency performance (HUD reviewers) does not consistently follow. Additionally, although all HUD reviewers work...
Noviembre 15, 2022
HUD and FHAP Agencies Can Better Document Decisions Not To Investigate Fair Housing Complaints
We audited the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Title VIII complaint intake data and jurisdictional determinations recorded in the HUD Enforcement Management System (HEMS). We initiated this audit to assist HUD with identifying opportunities to improve its data collection and jurisdiction determination process. Our audit objective was to assess HUD’s Title VIII fair housing complaint intake process...
Noviembre 04, 2022
Timeliness of FHEO's Investigations for Title VIII Complaints
HUD OIG is auditing the Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity's (FHEO) timeliness of investigations for Title VIII complaints. Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 requires that HUD complete investigations of each complaint within 100 days of the date it was filed unless it is impracticable to do so. Our objective is to assess challenges faced by FHEO in meeting the 100-day investigation requirement for Title...
Noviembre 01, 2022
Work Start Notification
#BO 23 0002
Assessment of FHEO's Fair Housing and Civil Rights Compliance Reviews
HUD OIG is auditing the Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opporunity (FHEO) fair housing and civil rights compliance reviews. FHEO has authority to conduct compliance reviews to determine whether a recipient of HUD funds was following applicable civil rights laws and their implementing regulations. Our objective is to assess how the Department , through FHEO and its partners, performed compliance reviews.
Julio 01, 2022
Work Start Notification
#BO 22 0007
FHEO's Implementation of Executive Order 13988
HUD OIG is auditing HUD's Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity (FHEO) implementation of Executive Order 13988. The order described how to enforce prohibitions on sex discrimination on the basis of gender identity or sexual orientation. The audit objective is to determine whether HUD (1) established and implemented a plan to prevent and combat discrimination based on gender identity and sexual orientation; (2) ensured its FHEO...
Noviembre 01, 2021
Work Start Notification
FHEO’s Oversight of State and Local Fair Housing Enforcement Agencies
HUD OIG is evaluating the Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity (FHEO)’s oversight of State and local fair housing enforcement agencies. To ensure the agencies are enforcing laws substantially equivalent to the Fair Housing Act, FHEO regularly assesses the State and local agencies' performance. Our objective is to determine if FHEO’s oversight of State and local fair housing enforcement agencies ensures they meet...
Julio 01, 2021
Work Start Notification
Kankakee County Housing Authority Section 8 Housing Program
We completed an audit of the Kankakee Count Housing Authority's Section 8 Housing Program. The audit was conducted based upon a citizen's complaint to our Office. The objectives of our audit were to determine where the Authority: (1) administered its Section 8 Program in an efficient and effective manner; and (2) provided decent, safe, and sanitary housing for its Section 8 tenants. This audit is part of our on-going comprehensive...
Noviembre 26, 2003