We audited the Los Angeles County Development Authority’s Family Self-Sufficiency Program due to a hotline complaint (HC-2019-4215) alleging that the Authority did not use its program funds in compliance with U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requirements. Our audit objectives were to determine whether the Authority met its program goals and objectives to assist eligible families in becoming self-sufficient and administered its program in compliance with HUD requirements. In addition, determine whether the hotline complaint allegations of Authority employees misappropriating program funds for personal benefit had merit.
We determined that the hotline complaint had no merit. The Authority met its goals and objectives to assist its participants in becoming self-sufficient and ensured that program funds were used in compliance with HUD requirements. Specifically, the Authority ensured that it (1) maintained the minimum program size; (2) provided participants with individual training and services plans, which included specific interim and final goals; (3) monitored participants’ progress to ensure that they met their goals to become self-sufficient; (4) calculated participants’ escrow accounts accurately; and (5) used program funds for supported and eligible activities.
There are no recommendations.