We audited selected general and application controls over the Federal Housing Administration’s (FHA) Home Equity Reverse Mortgage Information Technology (HERMIT) system as part of the internal control assessments required for the fiscal year 2019 financial statement audit under the Chief Financial Officer’s Act of 1990. Our objective was to review the selected controls over HERMIT for compliance with U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) information technology (IT) policies and Federal information system security and financial management requirements.
The OIG has determined that the contents of this audit report would not be appropriate for public disclosure and has therefore limited its distribution to those officials listed on the report distribution list.
- Status2021-DP-0002-001-AOpenClosedSensitiveSensitive
Sensitive information refers to information that could have a damaging import if released to the public and, therefore, must be restricted from public disclosure.
Closed on Junio 23, 2021The OIG has determined that the contents of this recommendation would not be appropriate for public disclosure and has therefore limited its distribution to selected officials.
- Status2021-DP-0002-001-BOpenClosedSensitiveSensitive
Sensitive information refers to information that could have a damaging import if released to the public and, therefore, must be restricted from public disclosure.
Closed on Septiembre 30, 2021The OIG has determined that the contents of this recommendation would not be appropriate for public disclosure and has therefore limited its distribution to selected officials.
- Status2021-DP-0002-001-COpenClosedSensitiveSensitive
Sensitive information refers to information that could have a damaging import if released to the public and, therefore, must be restricted from public disclosure.
The OIG has determined that the contents of this recommendation would not be appropriate for public disclosure and has therefore limited its distribution to selected officials.