Pursue departmental clearance for the 13 documents and policies identified that did not go through required departmental clearance. For any items that cannot be appropriately cleared, HUD should take appropriate action to recall the document or policy.
Publication Report
2017-LA-0002 | Enero 24, 2017
HUD Failed To Follow Departmental Clearance Protocols for FHA Programs, Policies, and Operations
We audited the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Federal Housing Administration’s (FHA) process for making changes to its programs, policies, and operations based on an Office of Inspector General (OIG) preaudit analysis that noted... másRelated Recommendations
- Summary
Obtain missing HUD-22 concurrence forms for the 13 identified directives and update the Clearance Calendar tracking system to properly document clearance of the 42 directives with incomplete Clearance Calendar documentation. For any items that cannot be appropriately cleared, HUD should take appropriate action to recall the document or policy.
Office of the Secretary
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Review the Clearance Calendar and ensure that appropriate form HUD-22 concurrence forms were obtained and documented for directives issued by other HUD offices.
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Implement controls to ensure that future directives are reviewed and documented in the Clearance Calendar tracking system as required.
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Update policies and procedures for the directives process, including responsibilities for process oversight and clear guidance defining when clearance is required.
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Develop and provide training to appropriate staff and required reviewing offices regarding the departmental clearance process requirements.