We recommend that HUD’s Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public Housing Investments direct staff to determine whether the nine PHAs that were classified as troubled or physically substandard have public housing developments that are subject to the required conversion requirements to support whether potentially distressed projects should be converted to tenant-based rental assistance. If conversion is required, ensure that it is accomplished timely, thereby ensuring that up to $75,540,916 is used effectively for other projects that are cost effective and have long term viability and ensuring that residents receive other rental assistance. Footnote: The $75 million cited as funds to be put to better use is based on an analysis of available data. We recognize that the 131 PHAs cited in this report, including the 9 PHAs that comprise the $75 million figure, may not have projects with at least 250 units on one or more contiguous sites that have vacancy rates of 12 percent or more. However, the data did not allow us to calculate vacancy rates for each group of contiguous units, and HUD could not provide a reasonable, supported method to identify projects subject to required conversion. To address this recommendation, HUD will need to determine whether these PHAs have projects that are subject to required conversion.
Publication Report
2017-NY-0001 | Mayo 18, 2017
HUD PIH’s Required Conversion Program Was Not Adequately Implemented
We audited the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) required conversion program activities to determine whether HUD ensured that public housing agencies (PHA) properly evaluated their distressed units and converted them to tenant-... másRelated Recommendations
Public and Indian Housing
- Summary
We recommend that HUD’s Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public Housing Investments direct staff to develop and implement policies and procedures with the Office of Field Operations regarding identification of potentially distressed projects and monitoring and enforcement of the required conversion program.