Implement adequate procedures and controls to ensure that it deletes adjustments to accounts payable and receivable and makes adjustments to accounts payable and receivable in accordance with HUD’s regulations and its administrative plan.
Publication Report
2018-CH-1002 | Agosto 01, 2018
The Indianapolis Housing Agency, Indianapolis, IN, Did Not Always Comply With HUD’s Regulations and Its Own Requirements Regarding the Financial Administration of Its Housing Choice Voucher Program
We audited the Indianapolis Housing Agency’s Housing Choice Voucher program based on an anonymous complaint. The audit was part of the activities in our fiscal year 2018 audit plan. Our objective was specific to the allegations in the... másRelated Recommendations
Public and Indian Housing
- Status2018-CH-1002-001-AOpenClosedClosed on Enero 30, 2023$199,604.00Questioned Costs
Recommendations with questioned costs identify costs: (A] resulting from an alleged violation of a law, regulation, contract, grant, or other document or agreement governing the use of Federal funds; (B] that are not supported by adequate documentation (also known as an unsupported cost]; or (C] that appear unnecessary or unreasonable.
SummaryProvide sufficient documentation to support that it disbursed the $199,604 in program funds, which it determined were inappropriate housing or utility assistance payments, and that it made a reasonable effort to collect the debts. If the Agency cannot provide sufficient documentation to support the disbursements and that the debts were uncollectable, it should reimburse its program from non-Federal funds as appropriate. If the Agency provides sufficient documentation to support the disbursements but cannot provide sufficient documentation to support that the debts were uncollectable, it should make a reasonable effort to collect from the debtors or reimburse its program from non-Federal funds as appropriate.
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Implement adequate procedures and controls to ensure that it maintains sufficient documentation to support housing and utility assistance payments and that it makes a reasonable effort to collect debts.
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Implement adequate procedures and controls to ensure that it follows its bad debt writeoff policy when it writes off accounts receivable.
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Provide sufficient documentation to support that the two deleted adjustments to accounts payable and four deleted adjustments to accounts receivable were duplicate or incorrect adjustments that should have been deleted. If the Agency cannot do this, it should make the appropriate accounting entries and take the appropriate actions.
- Status2018-CH-1002-001-EOpenClosedClosed on Enero 07, 2020$1,284.00Funds Put to Better Use
Recommendations that funds be put to better use estimate funds that could be used more efficiently. For example, recommendations that funds be put to better use could result in reductions in spending, deobligation of funds, or avoidance of unnecessary spending.
SummaryDetermine whether the tenant paid the landlord nearly $1,284 for housing assistance payments that the Agency did not make to the landlord. If the tenant paid the landlord, the Agency should make the appropriate accounting entries and reimburse the tenant from program funds. If the tenant did not pay the landlord, the Agency should reinstate the adjustments to accounts payable that were inappropriately deleted and pay the landlord from program funds.
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Provide sufficient documentation to support that an adjustment to accounts payable and five adjustments to accounts receivable were appropriate. If the Agency cannot do this, it should make the appropriate accounting entries and take the appropriate actions.
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Request that HUD’s Quality Assurance Division continue reviewing the Agency’s (1) writeoff of accounts receivable, (2) deleted adjustments to accounts payable and receivable, and (3) adjustments to accounts payable and receivable as part of its financial and program management and operations review.