We audited the Housing Authority of the City of Gary's (Authority) Section 8 housing program. The audit was part of the activities in our fiscal year 2005 annual audit plan. We selected the Authority based upon a risk analysis the identified it as having a high risk Section 8 housing program. The objective of the audit was to determine whether the Authority managed its Section 8 program in accordance with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's (HUD) requirements.
Public and Indian Housing
- 2005-CH-1020-004-A $812,967.00
We recommend that the director of HUD’s Public Housing Hub, Cleveland Field Office, require the Authority to provide support or reimburse its Section 8 program $812,967 ($738,708 in housing assistance payments plus $74,259 in related administrative fees) from nonfederal funds for unsupported housing assistance payments and unearned administrative fees related to the 65 tenants cited in this finding.