Title | Announced | Priority Area | Program Area | State |
HUD NDR Project Activity Status
Published Report(s)
06/2023 | Promoting Accountability and Effectiveness in Disaster Response and Recovery | Community Planning and Development | All |
HUD OIG is auditing HUD's CDBG-DR National Disaster Resilience (NDR) program, which was designed to promote risk assessment, stakeholder engagement, and resilience planning to states and communities. Under this program, HUD awarded nearly $1 billion to 13 States and local governments for resilient infrastructure, housing, and economic revitalization activities related to major disasters that occurred between 2011 and 2013. Our objectives are to determine if grantees accomplished/can accomplish the goals of the activities outlined in its action plans by the established deadlines; and to identify best practices for use in similar HUD programs, based upon the accomplishments and/or challenges faced by grantees in meeting the NDR program purpose.