Improvements Are Needed to HUD's Processes for Monitoring EBLLs and Lead-Based Paint Hazards in Public Housing
Update HUD regulations, policies, and procedures following the regulatory process required by the amended Lead Safe Housing Rule, in consideration of CDC’s lowered BLRV of 3.5 ug/dL.
On June 12, 2024, the Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes informed HUD OIG that the draft Federal Register notice of its request for information from Lead Safe Housing Rule stakeholders and the general public on its proposal to adopt CDC's…
Improvements Are Needed to HUD's Processes for Monitoring EBLLs and Lead-Based Paint Hazards in Public Housing
Create a plan and timeline that outlines OFO’s proposal to make necessary improvements to the EBLL tracker, such as moving it to a different platform.
Improvements Are Needed to HUD's Processes for Monitoring EBLLs and Lead-Based Paint Hazards in Public Housing
Provide field office staff access to historical data in the EBLL tracker to be readily available as needed, with adequate protection of PII.
Improvements Are Needed to HUD's Processes for Monitoring EBLLs and Lead-Based Paint Hazards in Public Housing
Update the EBLL tracker to show whether one or multiple children have an EBLL and whether the unit, building, or development previously had an EBLL reported.
Improvements Are Needed to HUD's Processes for Monitoring EBLLs and Lead-Based Paint Hazards in Public Housing
Update the EBLL tracker by including which data fields are required, establishing what type of information can be entered into each data field, and disallowing case closure if required information is missing.
Improvements Are Needed to HUD's Processes for Monitoring EBLLs and Lead-Based Paint Hazards in Public Housing
PIH in coordination with other HUD offices as necessary, research and address potential causes of the variance in the number of EBLL cases among States on the EBLL tracker and identify solutions that are within HUD's control.
On May 7, 2024, the Office of Field Operations (OFO) stated that it met with the Real Estate Assessment Center (REAC) and Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes (OLHCHH) on March 4 and April 23 and…
Improvements Are Needed to HUD's Processes for Monitoring EBLLs and Lead-Based Paint Hazards in Public Housing
Create a plan and timeline that outlines OFO’s proposal to move the LBPR tracker to a different platform.
Improvements Are Needed to HUD's Processes for Monitoring EBLLs and Lead-Based Paint Hazards in Public Housing
Develop a timeliness standard in the LBPR tracker to establish expectations for how often field office staff must reach out to PHAs on the LBPR tracker to discuss measures that will resolve cases in a timely manner.
CDBG-DR Program Generally Met Low- and Moderate-Income Requirements
We recommend that the Director of CPD’s Office of Disaster Recovery review the one grantee with a grant totaling $666,666 that did not meet the overall LMI requirement and address the noncompliance.
CDBG-DR Program Generally Met Low- and Moderate-Income Requirements
We recommend that the Director of CPD’s Office of Disaster Recovery update DRGR’s QPR to include information on the progress towards compliance with the overall LMI benefit based on the total amount of the grant.
CDBG-DR Program Generally Met Low- and Moderate-Income Requirements
We recommend that the Director of CPD’s Office of Disaster Recovery adopt LMI benchmarking to ensure that grantees budget adequate funds to LMI at significant milestones in the grant lifecycle.
CDBG-DR Program Generally Met Low- and Moderate-Income Requirements
We recommend that the Director of CPD’s Office of Disaster Recovery make changes to the action plan process so that the action plan calculates an overall LMI percentage.
HUD Could Improve Its Process for Evaluating the Performance of Public Housing Agencies' Housing Choice Voucher Programs
We recommend that the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public Housing and Voucher Programs enhance SEMAP or develop a new performance measurement process that would identify PHAs with underperforming HCV Programs, which should include an assessment of PHAs’ ability to maximize assistance to house families.
HUD Could Improve Its Process for Evaluating the Performance of Public Housing Agencies' Housing Choice Voucher Programs
We recommend that the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Field Operations Provide additional training and guidance to field office program staff on SEMAP scoring, rating, and verification procedures, including confirmatory reviews, quality control reviews, and adjustments to the SEMAP process.
HUD Could Improve Its Process for Evaluating the Performance of Public Housing Agencies' Housing Choice Voucher Programs
We recommend that the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Field Operations provide training and guidance to field office program staff on SEMAP scoring, rating, and verification procedures, including confirmatory reviews, quality control reviews, and adjustments, as appropriate, for the revised SEMAP process.
The Office of Community Planning and Development's Use of Remote Monitoring
Identify strategic opportunities to use remote monitoring early in the FY to maximize its responsibility to oversee and monitor its grantees and then use remote monitoring when those opportunities arise.
The Office of Community Planning and Development's Use of Remote Monitoring
Complete and update the system security plans for GMP and DRGR and issue an SSN justification memorandum.
The Office of Community Planning and Development's Use of Remote Monitoring
Identify and provide additional role-based training, guidance, and instructions to CPD employees on how to appropriately handle and safeguard PII encountered during monitoring.
The Office of Community Planning and Development's Use of Remote Monitoring
Reinforce the use and admissibility of photographs and videos for evidence collection while remote monitoring.
The Philadelphia Housing Authority, Philadelphia, PA, Needs To Improve Oversight of Lead-Based Paint In Its Public Housing
We recommend that the Director of the Philadelphia Office of Public Housing require the Authority to establish and implement procedures and controls to ensure that lead-based paint visual assessments are performed within the required timeframe.